RELEASE NOTES WAR FTP DAEMON for Win95/NT Get the latest update at: Get the latest information about bugs & problems at You can join the warftpd mailing list or update notification lists. Send a mail to (auto-responder) for more information. KNOWN PROBLEMS NT 4.0 SP 3 + IE 4.0 w/ desktop upgrade NT 5.0 Windows 98: There have been reported problems with the GUI on these versions of the server. According to microsoft, the problem is most likely a well hidden bug in the server-gui, that is handled by the release-versions of windows. Version 1.70 will resolve these problems. The server does not work with the current version of Trumpet Winsock for Win95. The user interface does not look very good under NT 3.51. The menu are overwritten by the toolbar, and sometimes the list boxes will not be visible. These problems will be resolved in version 2.0. NT SERVICE: * The service will hang if you use a user account that is not in the NT "administrator" group. * You will not be able to log out from the console without stopping the service if you have the SITE SHOW option enabled. (Options/NT tab). This is due to a bug in MFC. I have not found a work-around. If you need to have the server auto-start when the system boot, *and* need the SITE SHOW option enabled, stop the service and reboot rather than logging out. * I have experienced a few times that it has been impossible to log in to NT 4 with the same user account that caused the server to crash (when I logged off and the SITE SHOW was enabled). To reset the user environment (and enable NT login), log on to NT as another user with ADMINISTRATOR privilegies and load/save the user in the NT User Manager. This will clean up the mess (probarbly somewhere in the registery) and solve the problem. This looks like a NT 4 bug to me... The server will crash rather than playing sounds on some (NT 3.51 ??) systems. If the server is unstable, disable the sound option (Options/Sound tab). ------------------------------------------- V. 1.66x4s Experimental version February 7 1998 ------------------------------------------- Same as 1.66x4, but compiled with static libs to avoid dll conflicts. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.66x4 Experimental version February 7 1998 ------------------------------------------- BUGFIX The server now checks the length of the user ID and password during login to avoid buffer overflow problems. BUGFOX The server now handle disk partitions > 4 GB correctly. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.66x3 Experimental version August 1 1997 ------------------------------------------- ADDED Quiet option. If the server is started with the "-quiet" line parameter, it will hide the tray icon. That means that the program will be invisible once the main window is minimized. In order to restore the window, log on to the server as a user with Sysadmin privilegies, and issue the SITE SHOW comand. This option is intended for Windows 95 users only. NT users can run the server as a NT service. CHANGE If a file can't be open, the server will send a 453 error message. Previous versions would send a 150 message first, and then a 426 error message. This confused some FTP clients. BUGFIX Dir change messages did'nt work in 1.66x2 Fixed. BUGFIX If VfSys was not used, and a drive (C:\) was accessed, the path missed a backslash, so that the path looked like: /FTPtestC-DRIVE in stead of /C-DRIVE. Fixed. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.66x2 Experimental version June. 30 1997 ------------------------------------------- CHANGE the error: "CAUGHT UNKNOWN EXCEPTION" in OnClose() is changed to a warning message. CHANGE MDTM now report GMT time. CHANGE The STOU command now allow an optional filename parameter. BUGFIX "501 access denied" is changed to "550 access denied". BUGFIX The PORT command must now follow the RFC 959 specs, or the server will give an error message. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.66x1 Release version Apr. 24 1997 ------------------------------------------- ADDED Firewall support (Options/FTP). The server can reply with the firewall's IP address on passive transfers. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.65 Release version Apr. 24 1997 ------------------------------------------- ADDED Option to handle brain dead ISP's. Some ISP's deny use of FTP servers for their PPP users. You can now bypass this restriction by using another port than 21, and check the "Fool brain dead ISP's" checkbox in /Options/FTP ADDED New method for multimoming/mutlihosting. Previous versions of War FTP Daemon handled this by adding @ipNum after the user names. This still works, but you can now also set up several instances of the server on the same machine, each listening to different IP numbers (the IP numbers must be assigned to the machine). Use the /Options/Serber Name/Limit access... field to enable this. Note: Each virtual server must be installed in it's own directory, and VfSys paths (if used) must _not_ overlap. CHANGE The startup therad for the server is now processing messages from the operating system. (Since the server can be used as a NT service, the startup thread is not used by the server.) This will prevent some problems when programs broadcast messages to all running programs and expect an answer. BUGFIX sysmsg@Ipname.txt files was not shown correctly on multihoming systems. Fixed. BUGFIX On some systems the Options dialog did not work. Fixed. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.63x Experimental version Apr. 22 1997 ------------------------------------------- ADDED Option to disable write protection on files open for FTP send. (See Options/FTP) ------------------------------------------- V. 1.62 Release version Apr. 20 1997 ------------------------------------------- BUGFIX Resume was broken when files was copied from CD-ROM. Fixed. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.61 Release version Apr. 19 1997 ------------------------------------------- Several bugs are traced and fixed. The server should now be unable to crash on release versions of Windows95 and NT. There are reported a few problems with Memphis and NT 5. I have asked Microsoft to provide me with copies of these systems in order to trace and fix this. The installastion script in 1.55 had a problem where some system dll's was removed in the Windoes system directory and replaced with copies in the server install dir. This is now fixed, so that new system dll's are copied to the Windows system directory. ADDED Option to copy files from CD-ROM and network drives to a local temp dir before transmitting the file. (This has been on the "most wanted features" list for a while.) The server will start a new therad to perform the copying the first time the copy operation is needed. This thread will serve all requests to copy a file from a slow drive to a temp dir. This design ensures that the server will handle all ongoing transfers at full speed, and also ensure that only one file is copied from a CD-ROM drive or CD-ROM changer (jukebox) at one time. Copying more than one file from a CD-ROM will slow down the performance significantly. The one-file-at-the-time design will also reduce the load on the local network when files are copied from other machines prior to download. As soon as the file is copied, the transfere starts at full speed from the local harddisk. ADDED Command to abort an ongoing file transfer from the server console. Right click on the user and select "Stop transfer". No confirmation dialog will pop up. If a transfer is open it will be aborted. ADDED Macros in the log file name. See the help section about the log file for details. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.60x Experimental version Mar. 31 1997 ------------------------------------------- BUGFIX The firewall support caused WSAEADDRINUSE error messages, and problems with opening the data connection. Fixed. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.59x Experimental version Mar. 31 1997 ------------------------------------------- BUGFIX The spy option did not work in 1.57/58 Fixed ------------------------------------------- V. 1.58x Experimental version Mar. 29 1997 ------------------------------------------- BUGFIX A few UNKNOWN EXCEPTION's are removed BUGFIX A missing assignment to port 20 on the server side of file transfers caused problems with firewalls. Assumed fixed. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.56x Experimental version Feb. 17 1997 ------------------------------------------- ADDED ODBC logging. The ODBC log feature adds an option to log file transfers to an MS-SQL server through an ODBC connection. You must have MS-SQL server installed before you enble this option. Steps to install the ODBC log feature: 1) Copy CODBCLog.dll into the War FTP Daemon directory 2) Modify ODBCLog.ini to your preferences. [ODBC] Database=WarLog Table=LOG DoCreate=1 User=sa Pwd= ODBC name=WarFTPD 3) Create a new empty SQL database, with the name you have choosen as "Database". 4) Create a new ODBC definition on the machine running the FTP server with the name you have choosen as "ODBC name". Set the "default database" to the name of the database. 5) Make sure that the SQL user name and password in the .ini file are valid. Start the War FTP Daemon. The FTP server will try to create a new table named "LOG" in the fresh database each time it start's up, until the table is created. It will then automatically set the flag "DoCreate" to 0. In order to remove the option, simply delete the file CODBCLog.dll. ADDED Better protection against GPF problems. The server should now be unable to crash. If a fatal error occur, the session that cause the error might halt (from the users point of view), but the server should remain online. Memory is not released when fatal error occurs, so this can lead to a significant "memory leak" over some time. If you see complaint's in the server log about CAUGHT UNKNOW EXCEPTION ... restart the server or (if possible) reboot the machine. The error handler is ment to keep the server alive until an operator can deal with the problem, not as a solution to run a faulty system over a long period of time. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.55 Relese version Feb. 11. 1997 ------------------------------------------- ADDED Support for async chat when used with the War FTP Client. Implementation details: Async chat is enabled with the SITE CHAT MODE=ON PROTOCOL=ASYNC REPLYCODE=nnn where nnn is a number in range 200 - 299. When enabled, the server send messages to the FTP client as they apper, without delay, as normal command replies. The message is identified by the number 'nnn'. It is the responsibility of the FTP client to choose a unique number so that it can seperate chat lines from normal command replies. ADDED SITE PASS command. This allow users to change their passwords online. BUGFIX If a password was changed on a user account imported from Serv-U, the password autentication would fail. Fixed. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.54x Relese version Jan. 10. 1997 ------------------------------------------- ADDED Command line option to change the physical paths in all the users FileAccess tab. This option is designed to be used after the physical layout of the file system has changed, like when you have added a new disk drive. Syntax: war-ftpd -ReplacePathFrom C:\ -ReplacePathTo F:\ The sample above will replace *all* user paths starting with C:\ with F:\. C:\pub\ftp will i.e. now be F:\pub\ftp. The server does not do any validiation of thhe changes. If you just use the -ReplacePathFrom without -ReplacePathTo, any path matching the ReplacePathFrom argument will be permanently removed from the internal lists. MAKE A BACKUP COPY OF WARFTPDAEMON.DAT BEFORE YOU USE THIS OPTION. THE CHANGES WILL BE PERMANENT. The code below shows the implementation of this feature: (You don't need to understand the code in order to use this feature, but c++ programmers will get a better understanding of thow it works by looking at the code. if (SubstOldPath.GetLength()) { if (!strnicmp(Me.m_Path, SubstOldPath, SubstOldPath.GetLength())) { if (SubstNewPath.IsEmpty()) continue; // Path is to be deleted. LPCSTR p = Me.m_Path; p += SubstOldPath.GetLength(); CString cBuf; cBuf = SubstNewPath; cBuf += p; Me.m_Path = cBuf; } } ADDED Temporary user accounts. This feature is designed to be used with automation tools, (like a CGI) to allow one-time-access to files. It was originally developed for the distribution of the War FTP Daemon version 2 source code. In that case a CGI bin is called from a web page. The CGI creates the temporary user account and redirects the browser to the ftp server. The benefit with this method is that warez traders can not trade a FTP account. The account will be deleted the first time it is used. The code below demonstrates how to use this feature: // Create tmp alias char buf[32], *p; int len = 16; p = buf; srand( (unsigned)time( NULL ) ); while(len) { i = rand(); if (isalpha((i & 0xff))) { *(p++) = (char)(i & 0xff); --len; } } buf[16] = 0; WritePrivateProfileString("tmp Alias", buf, "TheRealUserName","WarFtpdAlias.ini"); Sleep(1000); printf("HTML/1.1%cLocation:",10, buf, 10,10,10); As you might spot, the "tmp" userid is actually just a temporary nick to a real (permanent) user account. However, the FTP user will never know the identity of this account (unless you expose it by using the userid in some macro whne th euser logs on, or if you enable the SITE WHO command. The ini file will be created automatically in the windows system catalog if you use the code above. This is also where the server will look for it. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.52 Relese version Oct. 28. 1996 ------------------------------------------- BUGFIX If a user was kicked with the "ban IP" option checked before he had logged on, the server would crash. Fixed. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.51 Relese version Oct. 28. 1996 (Upgrade from 1.50 only) ------------------------------------------- CHANGE ABOR will now send file xmit termination message if a file transfer is open. CHANGE The server will now recognize Fetch's ABOR sequence. BUGFIX 2 bugs that caused GPF is fixed. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.50 Relese version Oct. 24. 1996 ------------------------------------------- ADDED Option to mount network drives when the server runs as a NT service. ADDED $g (group name) and $c (class name) macros to the upload verification module. ADDED To help the ppp users to announce their current IP number, the server will write the IP number reported by Winsock to the file "CurrentIPNumber.txt" each time it goes online. UPDATED Online help. CHANGE The server will not accept more than 5 ls therads. This is done to avoid a MS bug in WaitForMultipleObjects() that else would generate a huge memory leak. This will not affect the performance of the server, unless 5 or more users are issuing recursive directory listings at the same time. BUGFIX Code is borrowed from version 2 of the server to prevent a rare GPF failure when users disconnect while up/download is in progress. BUGFIX The connection counter was decrementing by one if a user was denied by absolute IP. That would lead to negative connection numbers. Fixed. BUGFIX Fixed a bug in the Serv-U import filter that would lead to "Access denied to home directory" errors. Note: You must still verify the File Access tab for each user/group imported as War sometimes creates duplicate entries. BUGFIX The timezone conversion functions sometime caused illegal dates on virtual files. This could confuse Cute-FTP so that the files was not displayed in the directory listing. Fixed. BUGFIX (NT) The event log will now resolve the correct message text. BUGFIX The server could in some situations close incoming file transfers before the files were completly uploaded. Fixed. BUGFIX Resume of upload should now work. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.32x experimental BETA Oct. 15. 1996 ------------------------------------------- The server now use the MSVC 4.2b with update patch from MS. This includes new dll's. (again...) ADDED SITE SHOW command to display the server console when the server is running as a system service under NT. The server must be configures to run in "Interactive" service mode for this to work, and NT must allow interactive services. This new command can be used to configure the server when it runs as a service. Note: You must log in to the server from a FTP client as a FTP user in the class "sysadmin". Then issue the QUOTE SITE SHOW command (or define a custom command if you use Cute-FTP) to bring up the server console. THE SERVER WILL NOT DISPLAY THE TASKBAR ICON. This is ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ done by purpose since the service don't "belong" to the user currently logged on to the NT desktop. BUGFIX I traced down a bug in the pattern matching function that might be the cause of the reported problems with banned files and upload verification. I *hope* this is fixed. BUGFIX In 1.31x the server would not report the correct number of users online. Fixed. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.31x experimental BETA Sept. 29. 1996 ------------------------------------------- The server now use the MSVC 4.2a with update patch from MS. This includes new dll's. BUGFIX Now allows '@' in user names to allow multihoming users (was disabled a few releases ago...) TESTED I had a report that banned files did not get banned, ie. *.txt in the banned list would still allow text files to be uploaded. I found no bugs here. Make sure that banned files are added to the correct level. If you ban file names on user "garfield", the banning will only apply for this user. In general, banned files should be defined on the "default" level. TESTED There is reported to be a memory leak in 1.30x. I have not been able to find any such leak, so it might be bugs in the MFC libraries. The libraries are updated in 1.31x. The only known memory leak are a due to a bug in MFC when a thread is waiting for more than 8 events. This can be avoided by using 5 or less ls-threads. ------------------------------------------- V. 1.30x experimental BETA Sept. 17. 1996 ------------------------------------------- I have tried to track down a bug that cause the server to crash in the sockets subsystem - with no luck. To help out some of you that are waiting for the bugfixes below I release this version now. New versions with more features and improvements can be expected in the *near* future. ADDED Option to turn reverse DNS lookup on/off. (It is set off by default). CHANGE Now using MSVC++ 4.2. Several new dll's in the distribution. CHANGE The server will now use the *modification* date as file date. In previous versions it used the creation date. BUGFIX Deletion of files sometimes failed when the virtual file system was used because the server forgot to delete empty .Index.txt files. Fixed. BUGFIX The server would shut down file transferes if the "Go offline when ready" button was pressed. Fixed. BUGFIX Sometimes the server would move files into the servers home directory when it was told to *rename* the file. Fixed. BUGFIX Some fixes in VfSys when loading/flushing empty directories. BUGFIX War would not show directories/files if the first file/dir in a directory was denied to the user due to UNIX/VfSys permissions. Fixed. ------------------------------------------ V. 1.29x experimental BETA August 4. 1996 ------------------------------------------ ADDED ls -d option to support ncftp "get -R" ADDED Copy User and Rename User in the Security tab (User maintainance). Copy User will create a new user with all the properties of the selected user, except username and password. ADDED Auto-rescan option for VfSys to ease dupe checking on systems where files might be added from other applications (like BBS systems). The scanning will be done in a defined time interval, and only when no users are listing directories. Note: During the rescan the server will "hang". I could have added a thread to do the scanning, but the disk/IO is so intense during this operation that another tread would just have slowed down the overall performance. ADDED [$dirmsg] macro to display the directory change message. This macro is automatically called when the user log in and when he change directory. CHANGE Help via F1 was disabled in release 1.26x. It is now re-enabled. CHANGE Usernames are now restricted to 'a' - 'z' and '0' - '9'. Other letters will be refused. The current user database is not affected. CHANGE If the "Go offline when ready" checkbox on the console is checked the user will be logged off as soon as the current file transfer is completed. CHANGE When the Upload Veryfier renames a file, it is now updated in VfSys. CHANGE If a user is rejected due to a banned IP address he will now be thrown off after the password is given with a "Bad Password" message. This makes it a little harder for the hackers to determine how they should proceed :-) BUGFIX The Pattern mathing function failed when the pattern was set to *.zip and the path contained a . character. This bug could affect the Upload Verification module, the Banned File and the Dupe Checker. Fixed BUGFIX Sessions that "hangs" after a user has lost his connection while up or downloading are was not timing out. Fixed. BUGFIX The "mysterious" N4 (and Nt 3.51) bug where the server crashed on some system when the DIR command was given in the root directory is found and fixed. ---------------------------------------- V. 1.28x experimental BETA July 24. 1996 ---------------------------------------- CHANGE I did a little testing on NT with different thread priorities to optimize performance when several large directory listings were built. The best overall performance was achieved by lowering the priority of the threads that build the directory listings whenever they kept the shared data segments of VfSys unlocked. I raised the priority whenever they accessed shared memory to avoid situations where the main thread would block, waiting for write access to VfSys and one ore more lower priority threads kept a read lock on it but was blocked by NT, waiting for higher priority processes to complete their work. So the new design is: Main thread | | Request data and continue with other users | v Ls thread | Lower proirity and initialize | +-> Raise priority loop Get VfSys Data for one directory +-< Lower priority | Make a nice looking directory listing | Send a notification to the main thread about the completion of the request | Raise priority Loop back to start and wait for new requests. This gave an acceptable performance with NT on a single CPU system, and will probarbly boost performance on a multiprocessor system. Windows95 did not like to change the priority all the time. I guess that the kernel code for this is *very* inefficient, involving physical memory transfers and relinking of the threads protected memory data, and several context switches. The performance fell by ~1000% on my worst case test. This might be fixed in future versions of Win95, so I have added options to set the number of ls threads and "Optimal", "Mixed" and "Fixed" priority. This option is located in the File System Options tab. Mixed - NT Mode where the priority is changed Fixed - The priority remains the same as the main therad. Optimal - A qualified guess made by the server on what to do - based on the actual operating system and version. The number of ls therads are the maximum number the server will use. When it start up it initialize one thread. When a user issues a LIST command the server checks if there are idle ls threads. If one (ore more) threads are idle, it gets the request. If no threads are idle (all are processing LIST commands) the server checks if it can initiate a new therad and does so if the number of ls threads are less than the defined maximun. If the maxuimun number of ls threads are running, it checks how many pending requests there are on each thread, and if they perform a simple or recursive directory listing. It then queues the request to the thread that most likely will finish it's current tasks first and continue processing on other users. (The "hold" state of the user in the user list can mean that the user has a pendinng reuest on a ls thread). In the current version I have set the system defined maximum to 30 threads. The server can handle up to about 60 threads with the current design, but too many threads will add a significant overhead both in NT and in the servers locking functions for shared memory. There is also a bug in the Microsoft SDK that leads to a small memory leak if more than 8 therads places a read lock on a shared data segment, and one therad waits for write access. (WaitForMultipleObjects). The number of LS threads should therefore be 5 or less. CHANGE I had reported that the server "froze" under Win95 when large partitions were loaded into VfSys and VfSys was shut down. The problem turned out to be a bug in Win95 when allocating large number of memory buffers. Windows 95 simply ran out of system resources and was unable to release the buffers. In stead it froze the server, and then other programs as well. I performed a benchmark with ~26,000 files and verified the problem. I rescheduled the memory optimizing of VfSys and implemented my own memory allocation functions. As a result large partitions works fine with Win95 and memory usage is reduced by 67%. Under NT the operating system used 10,400 KB to store the 26,000 file names and the global data segments for the server. With my memory functions this was reduced to 3,432 Kb. It also gave a nice side effect of even faster loading of the VfSys: Load VfSys in version 1.26x 95940 ms (95.9 sec) Load VfSys in version 1.27x 45135 ms (45.1 sec) Load VfSys in version 1.28x 24015 ms (24.0 sec) ---------------------------------------- V. 1.27x experimental BETA July 23. 1996 ---------------------------------------- ADDED Support in VfSys to handle comments and UNIX attributes on read only directories and drives (CD-ROM). CHANGE VfSys can now be used when War is running as a NT Service. The shutdown function has support for fast shutdown and will in most cases complete the shutdown process in a few seconds. (Normal shutdown is a little slower as it will release all used memory and other resources.) CHANGE Optimized the Virtual file system. Reduced load time by ~50% and decreased flushing time from several minutes (worst case) to ~ 10 - 100 ms. The following benchmark is performed on a Intel Pentium 120 MHz based standard clone PC with 2 x Quantum Fireball IDE 1.3 GB drives and 48 MB RAM running NT 4.0 Server. (25968 files in 1107 directories loaded) Load VfSys in version 1.26x 95940 ms (95.9 sec) Load VfSys in version 1.27x 45135 ms (45.1 sec) Also reduced memory usage and memory fragmentation when running VfSys. ---------------------------------------- V. 1.26x experimental BETA July 21. 1996 ---------------------------------------- ADDED NT Service support. The server can now run as a native Windows Nt service. This feature is still at an early stage. I just wanted to know if this service implementation is so hard to do as people claim. It is not. The current implementation was done in just a few hours :-) In order to run it as a server, follow these steps: 1) Log in to NT as *Administartor*. 2) Start the server as usual. 3) Open the Options/NT tab. 4) Select startup mode and (optionally) an user account. 5) Press the [Update] button. 6) Exit War. War will now be configured as a service. You can start it from the Service Manager. It support the following Service Manager commands: Start - Starts up Stop - Logs all users off and terminates Pause - Goes offline Continue - Goes online Limitations/bugs: There is no way to access or configure the server when it is running as a service. DO NOT USE VFSYS WHILE RUNNING IN SERVICE MODE. VFSYS USES TOO LONG TIME TO FLUSH THE BUFFERS WHEN THE MACHINE SHUTS DOWN. You can use VfSys if you manually stop the server before shutting down the machine. No control panel applet is available at the moment. The Event Log messages make no sense at the moment. However, both the regular log and the WU-FTPD log are all right. Notes: When War is installed as a service it will try to start as a service also when started as a normal application. This gives a delay of ~30 seconds from you start War until it shows up. In order to confugure War when it is running as a service, go to the Service Manager in the control panel and stop "WAR-FTPD". Then you can start the server as usual and do the configurations. When you are done, terminate War and start it again as a service from the Service Manager. ADDED Telnet command recognition in the FTP command parser. This option is added to handle FTP clients that prefix the ABOR command with Telnet codes. BUGFIX When running vfsys the Free Diskspace option always reported "Low on free diskspace". Fixed. ---------------------------------------- V. 1.25x experimental BETA July 20. 1996 ---------------------------------------- BUGFIX Minor bugfix in the modified pattern matching module. ---------------------------------------- V. 1.24x experimental BETA July 20. 1996 ---------------------------------------- ADDED UNIX WU-FTPD compatible log file in addition to the current War log file. There should be tons of scripts available to process this new log file and make all kind of fancy reports :-) ADDED [$diskfree] macro. Reports free KB on the (users) current drive. ADDED test for free diskspace before accepting upload. The requiered free space can be set in the File System options tab. ADDED Copy option to the Upload Verification dialog. CHANGE Modified the Path report to mark *all* inactive paths as inactive, not just the paths unresolved by VfSys. CHANGE Modified the path parser to support non-mapped paths if a parent path is mapped. C:\ +root +home +map D:\ftp +map D:\ftp\incoming The incoming directory will now be recognized as /ftp/incoming and the attributes will apply. In previous versions, each path that was defined ouside the root path had to be mapped to root. Note: If you want to give access to a path outside the users root path, the lowest level path still *has* to be mapped. War woun't allow any absolute paths ouside the root path. CHANGE The entire source code (all 26.735 lines) was reviewed and partially modified to handle a MSVC++ 4.1 code generation error that can cause GPF's. CHANGE The log dialog is moved to the Options tab. The dialog is also modified. CHANGE Change in LIST parameter processing. The LIST command will now always use long listing format, also if the user specify -1 or -C on the command line. This is not logical, but comforms with the behavior on UNIX servers. Use the NLST (ls) command if you want to use short or multicoloumn format. BUGFIX When only 1 session was allowed on a user account, pr. IP, the user was denied login even if he was not previously logged on. Fixed. BUGFIX The server was a little paranoid with the X:\ root directory. If a drive root was the root path for a user, the user was denied access to any subdirectory. This bug was introduced with the 1.03x version. Fixed. BUGFIX In version 1.23x a new bug was introduced: Mapped dirs was displayed several times. Fixed. BUGFIX A dead lock situation was detected when manualy restarting VfSys while there was users online, and they performed directory listings. Fixed. BUGFIX The console sometimes claimed to be "offline" just after the server was started, and it actually was "online". Fixed. ---------------------------------------- V. 1.23x experimental BETA July 18. 1996 ---------------------------------------- ADDED More threads on slow IO. Up to 6 threads can now work together to speed up slow IO access upon directory listings, in addition to the two primary processing threads (that never perform any slow IO operations, except when they flush VfSys or the user database). CHANGE Internal design change in the locking scheme for multithread access to shared memory. The new scheme taks a little more CPU usage, but make the server run significatly faster when there are many users online. BUGFIX A dead lock situation was detected. The server could go into a "dead lock" when two threads incrementally placed a lock on the same objects. Fixed. ---------------------------------------- V. 1.22x experimental BETA July 16. 1996 ---------------------------------------- ADDED Upload verification processing script option. The server can now start external programs to perform CRC checks (or other validiation) on incoming files prior to accepting the file. It can also extract file_id.diz or perform other processing on the incoming file. BUGFIX A minor bug in the low level read function that reads the fields in the user database was detected and fixed. ---------------------------------------- V. 1.21x experimental BETA July 13. 1996 ---------------------------------------- ADDED Import of Serv-U database. ---------------------------------------- V. 1.20b BETA July 11. 1996 ---------------------------------------- ADDED Contents file to the online help. BUGFIX The dupe checker was a little paranoid and refused files that was defined in the dupe exception list without a leading *. Fixed. ---------------------------------------- V. 1.04x experimental BETA July 10. 1996 ---------------------------------------- ADDED Installation program with the distribution BUGFIX REST (resume command) did not always reset the start offset to 0 after the transfere, or when the FTP client did not initiate a transfer immediately. This bug caused incompatibility with Cute FTP version 1.5. Fixed. BUGFIX An error recovery function in the file send module caused the server to crash. Fixed. ---------------------------------------- V. 1.03x experimental BETA July 9. 1996 ---------------------------------------- ADDED Disable banner checkbox in the welcome dialog. CHANGE The format of the physical .Index.txt file has changed. See the online documentation for details. BUGFIX Netscape failed to download files from the root path when the Virtual File System was running, and the physical directory not was assigned to a logical name. Fixed. BUGFIX The [$credit] macro did always show the KB ratio relation, also when the Up/Download mode ws set to files. Fixed. BUGFIX If user or class was changed from the View Virtual File System dialog, the new data was not always saved. Fixed. BUGFIX When running the Virtual File System, directories was not physically deleted when a user sent a DELE command. Fixed. BUGFIX If the Virtual File System was restarted while a user was uploading a file, the file would appear twice in the directory listing sent to the user. Fixed. BUGFIX A minor security problem was reported. Fixed. BUGFIX It was not possible to edit an alias name in the FILE ACCESS TAB if the original directory name was only one character long. Fixed. Note: Alias names *must* be 2 or more charactres long. If a name is invalid, the server will change it to a valid name. BUGFIX The server would crash if a pathnames was too long. Fixed. BUGFIX Multi-segment lines made the server strip off command parameters. Fixed. ---------------------------------------- V. 1.02x experimental BETA July 7. 1996 ---------------------------------------- BUGFIX When running the virtual file system, deleted files would not always be physical erased from the disk, althoug they appered to be deleted in the servers directory listings. Fixed. BUGFIX When the virtual file system was running, it was not possible to upload files to the first directory level in the root path. Fixed. BUGFIX CD .. would in some situations give "Permission denied" when issued from a mapped directory. Fixed. ---------------------------------------- V. 1.01x experimental BETA June 28. 1996 ---------------------------------------- ADDED Dupe exceptions in the Banned Files tab. ADDED Account session time limit ADDED Max simultaneous logins for an account based on the callers IP number. You can now allow 30 anonymous users, but only 1 or 2 sessions for each physical user. ADDED Options/File System Options Links are now shown as files by default (ls -L). This option can be turned off. CHANGE The system options on the main console will no longer be hidden if the console is resized. BUGFIX When VfSys was running and the root directory was somewhere down the path, and mapped, the command CD /SOMEDIR could fail. Fixed. ------------------------------ V. 1.0b BETA June 23. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED Help. BUGFIX WEB browsers had problems listing directories on sites that diod not use the Virtual File System. Fixed. ------------------------------ V. 0.19a ALPHA June 21. 1996 ------------------------------ I have now fixed all reported bugs that I have been able to reproduce. Please report any problems. CHANGE The "User and paths" report hide any path deactivated by VfSys. They will now show up as "INACTIVE". Also, the 'R' and 'H' flags will now show the users real Root and Home paths (and not all the paths that had the Home or Root flag set). BUGFIX FTP clients that split the command messages into several TCP packages could both confuse and make the server crash. Assumed fixed (I can't test it). BUGFIX The FTP command parser used a 256 byte buffer. The recommended size is "at least" 4 KB. Buffer size increased to 8 KB. (And to the hackers...: Sorry, you can't overload that buffer :-) BUGFIX The OLE support for .lnk shortcuts (if not using VfSys) was broken when the server went multithreading (0.14a). Fixed. BUGFIX If you had VfSys running, created a new user, and then added some paths for the user, the paths would simply disappear the next time the server was started. The problem was that a flag that tells the save() function to convert from VfSys paths to DOS paths was not set correctly. The paths was saved as VfSys paths and therefore invalid. If you have seen this problem do the following: 1) Take the server off-line 2) Stop VfSys 3) Go trough the users and delete any non-DOS path (except "\"). The problem is now fixed. BUGFIX When running without VfSys, and a X:\ style path was root, mapped directories would not show up in the directory listing. Fixed. BUGFIX When running without VfSys, and the root dir was not mapped, CD / would fail. Fixed. (It now maps to the root path). BUGFIX When using Netscape Navigator, you sometimes had to re-load the page to see the directory- listing. Fixed. BUGFIX Sometimes mapped directories would show up in the directory listings as *files*, not directories. Fixed. ------------------------------ V. 0.18a ALPHA June 17. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED SITE: WHO SHUTDOWN ENABLE DISABLE MSGU OPEN CLOSE ANON KICK Also: "HELP SITE" ADDED Security tab for Site commands completed. ADDED Sound support on some events. You can visit for a large number of cool sounds to use. BUGFIX The multithreading support in the Virtual File System sometimes caused the old cache to remain allocated when it was restarted. (Problems with the Lock counters). This could lead to a huge waste of memory and also loss of information (uploader, download count etc.) Fixed. BUGFIX NT did not always flush the VfSys .Index.txt files, causing information (uploader, download count etc.) to be lost. Fixed BUGFIX If a user issued a SITE command when the spy windows was active, the server could crash. Fixed BUGFIX Sometimes the server would crash when spying on users while they logged on. Fixed ------------------------------ V. 0.17a ALPHA June 16. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED Tool-tip for the toolbar. ADDED Clear log-window command. ADDED System Priority to the Options tab. ADDED Feature to prevent the server from starting several instances of the program from the same directory. CHANGE In the current design of the File Access tab there are some ambigous situations. If the \ path is defined as roor + home, all users will have access to all files, also unprivileged users with another root path. I have now denied access to un-mapped paths before the users root-level, if the root path has the mapping flag set. In other words: If you have given a default path of \ + root, and anonymoys \ftp\files + root + map, the anonymous user will not get access to anything above \ftp\files, unless the paths are mapped. If they are mapped, they will show up as links in the users root directory (\ftp\files\path) BUGFIX Removed some minor memory leaks. (< 1 KB total) BUGFIX Corrected the header name for sysmsg6.txt in the View Messages tab. BUGFIX DOS paths like C:\ + map did not show up in the listings in the users root-dir. Fixed. BUGFIX The rename function in the server would move files to the servers home directory, rather than renaming the files when running without the VfSys. Fixed. BUGFIX Removed a ':' after 'total' in the LIST output to make Netscape Navigator even more happy. ------------------------------ V. 0.16a ALPHA June 11. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED Validiation of "email as password". The server does a basic check to ensure that the password has a email-like syntax (something@). WWWuser@ will be accepted. BUGFIX There was a bug in VfSys's links when the links was to directories. CD worked all right, but the list command would sometimes show partially listings of the parent dir. Fixed. BUGFIX Deletion of directories did not work. Fixed. BUGFIX If VfSys was not running and you had "\" as root path, the intetranl path repersentation would be wrong on mapped paths, causing all files to be unavailable for access. Fixed. BUGFIX Fiexd a problem with the drive paths showing up as /c /d etc. if "\" was root dir and VfSys was not running. TEST I got a report that there is a 45 sec. delay from the password is given to the user get logged in when the server is running under NT 3.51. I am not able to reproduse this delay. ------------------------------ V. 0.15a ALPHA June 10. 1996 ------------------------------ Note: I finally changed the name. The name of the server is war-ftpd. From now on the .zip file will contain the version number. Note: The setup information is moved from tFTPd32.ini to FtpDaemon.ini, and many of the option names has changed. When you install the new version, you must go into the Properties/Options tab and configure the system. ADDED Minimize option at startup ADDED Password protection of the servers main window. If you enable this option, you must have a login account (FTP user) that belong in the Sysadmin class, and you better remember his password :-) If you fail to get the main window back, shut down the server from the tray-icon menu and set the "Protected" value in FtpDaemon.ini to 0. ADDED Option to disable recursive directory listings ADDED Option to disable output of the download counter on the files in a directory. (The download count shows up in the .Index.txt files and if the user calls LIST -I) CHANGE Moved most of the setup dialogs to a new tab. BUGFIX Removed a possible cause of access violation. BUGFIX Some minor bugs are fixed. ------------------------------ V. 0.14.1a ALPHA June 9. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED Multicolumn "-C" option to LIST ADDED DOS path to the SPY dialog when running VfSys. ADDED MDTM command. Reports the filedate in ascii. This is used by some FTP clients and WEB browsers. ADDED TYPE L 8 command is now recognized. Used by some MAC FTP clients. CHANGE Added better precision on the KB/Sec upload/ download info. BUGFIX The Dupe Checker did not work. Fixed BUGFIX VfSys was not able to follow it's own paths when a directory was a link. Fixed BUGFIX If the VfSys path was "C:\;d:\" (in stead of "C:\,c-drive;D:\,files") users would be refused on login with the message "Access denied to homedir". Fixed BUGFIX The VfSys would flush each second in stead of each 7. minute. Fixed BUGFIX If the users root dir was \ and it was mapped, the paths reported by PWD would be wrong. Fixed. BUGFIX Fixed problem with long response messages that were broken up without sending a '-' after the response number. BUGFIX Removed empty lines in response messages. BUGFIX Removed a trailing 0 in the LIST output. This zero caused big problems with ncftp. ------------------------------ V. 0.14.a ALPHA June 5. 1996 ------------------------------ The big news this time is the new Virtual File System. Please note that the .Index.txt file format has changed and that the server no longer will understand the old format. (This does not affect the user database and the information stored there). Please read the page describing the Virtual File System in the supplied documentation file (tFTPd32.rtf). I expect this release to be buggy and unreliable. Please report any problems. New versions will be available rapidly in the next two weeks. But I need to get the problems reported before I can fix them :-) Note: The UNIX ln command was announced for this verion. There were some problems, so the command will have to wait a bit. ADDED Multithreading. ADDED Full pattern matching and recognition of most UNIX ls line parameters on the LIST command. Note: Multi-coloum output and sorting are still not ready. Mget should now work 100%. ADDED Site commands for simplified implementations of the following UNIX commands: chmod, chgrp, chown ADDED Free Download of selected files (require the Virtual File System to be running). Note: Statistics are not counted for free files. ADDED Dupe checker. The dupe checker will only work when the virtual file system is running. (The dupe checker will deny upload of filenames that are known by the virtual file system if the "deny" option is enabled in the Properties/Security/Banned Files tab.) ADDED Popup-menu when right clicking on the tray icon. CHANGE The log will now only be opened when there are data to be written. CHANGE The logfile is now only opened when there is something to write to the log. CHANGE When the user database is saved the server now writes to a temporary file. When the file is successfully written the old database file is saved with the name "FtpDaemon.dat.bak". CHANGE The server no longer gives any message if the user IP is denied by absolute denial in the default setup. Cute-ftp will "hang" until it time out. Ws_ftp will detect that the connection is closed and report "connection failed". I have not tested with other FTP clients. however, this is the way most FTP servers handle denied IP addresses. CHANGE The tooltip text on the tray icon will now show the port the server is listening to, to ease use of multiple servers. CHANGE Cosmetic change when selecting users in the user list on the main console. You can now select a user by clicing on any coloumn, and the entire row will be colored. Also added sorting of any coloumn by clicking at the coloumn header. CHANGE The Rename functions will now also rename directories CHANGE Resized the toolbar buttons to standard Windows apps. size. BUGFIX Upon receiving, the server would generate a number of wasted internal notification messages. Fixed. BUGFIX Changing a file to a new name, and then back to the original name would fail due to a bug in one of the standard libraries. Fixed. BUGFIX The .lnk files would use the DOS 8.3 name conversion for the destrination file. Fixed. ------------------------------ V. 0.13a ALPHA April 6. 1996 ------------------------------ UTILITY Due to some instability in the 0.12a version, I have included the "chksvr" utility in the standard distribution. See chksvr.txt for details. CHANGE [$ulcount] and [$dlcount] will now show files or bytes, depending on the users current U/D restriction type. (There will be added new macros for explicit file and byte information) CHANGE Changed byte counters to be Kbytes counters to allow larger totals. The largest number the counters can keep now are 2,147,483,647 Kbytes. Please verify that the conversion from bytes to Kbytes are done ~right... (Keep a copy of your old database file in case there are bugs - I'll fix this right away). CHANGE Corrected spelling in [$programname] macro CHANGE Resized the width of the main window to fit within 640 x 480 (VGA) resolution. Now all the options are displayed, also on low-res monitors. CHANGE When the Absolute option is used on the default IP access list, the system will no longer scan the default IP access list when verifying if a user is denied access. This because he not would have made it to the login prompt if he was denied in the default IP access list. Else, If you denied everyone, and let some masks get trough in the default setup, all users within the allowed masks would get access, no matter what was specified on the user/group/class level. (The access first scans all the lists for denial, and if the user is denied, all lists for an exception.) CHANGE Added logic to not update the users counters (Upload, Download, Logins etc.) unless these fields actually had been edited, when the user properties was updated. The side effect of updating it all was that users who were online could get their counters reset to the values present prior to the change, even when the changes were made in the file properties or IP access list. BUGFIX Sometimes the client area of the list-boxes in the User maintenance/Security dialogs was grayed out. I tracked this down to a bug/feature in Windows and instructed windows to leave the areas alone :-) Assumed fixed. BUGFIX Sometimes the server would report en error on successfully uploaded files. I believe this bug was caused by a change in the Winsock design in NT 4.0. Assumed fixed. BUGFIX When deleting users, the server would crash in some situations (due to an uninitialized pointer). Fixed. BUGFIX PASV would use as the IP address to the server, instead of the actual IP address. The result was that Netscape Navigator/MS Internet Explorer failed to get files. Fixed. It will now use the IP address the user logged in to, thus hiding other IP addresses from users logging in to a virtual multihoming server. ------------------------------ V. 0.12a ALPHA April 30. 1996 ------------------------------ Note: I still have some bugs to work on, but release this version now to help the sites that have had problems with the library bug. A new release with more bugfixes will follow in a day or two... ADDED: Absolute option in Default IP deny list. IP's on the default list will be disconnected at once if this option is set. This makes the server behave like all other FTP servers with IP access lists. The other IP deny/access lists will behave like before. (The server checks the IP number against the user/group/class *and* default list after the user has given his name.) There has been many requests for this dual functionality so I moved it up on my todo-list :-) ADDED: SITE ICON command. Will force the server to add a new system try icon. Added to re-enable contact with the system console after Explorer crash in NT 4.0. This command is only available for users in the "Sysadmin" class. TEST: A problem was reported when deleting groups. I have not been able to reproduce this. BUGFIX: A bug in the Microsoft socket library was verified and a workaround made. The system should now be rock solid on high-impact systems, also under Win95. ------------------------------ V. 0.11a ALPHA April 26. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED: Multihosting feature. See "Multih.txt" for details. CHANGE: Some cosmetic improvements. CHANGE: Changed the user list from ListBox to ListCtrl/report mode. This was not the trivial task I had thought! Thanks to Microsoft's poor documentation, I spent 7 hours before this list started to work. Note: When the listCtrl looses focus, the selected user is no longer highlighted. I have no idea of how to work around this. To make it a little easier to maintain the users online, I have added a pop-up menu that pops up if you click on a user # with the right mouse button. CHANGE: Moved system message from Notepad to tabbed dialog. BUGFIX: When using space + '.' in the paths the user could sometimes get around some of the security checking. Fixed. BUGFIX: When pressing the [EDIT] button in the main window, the server would crash. Fixed. ------------------------------ V. 0.10a ALPHA April 25. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED: sysmsg9: Shows status info after up/download. ADDED: Dialog popping up after Killing a user, asking if the user should be refused in the future. ADDED: 4 new views of the security dialog. TEST: There has been messages on Usenet about problems with WinSock and large files. I tested transmission of 10MB+ files between a NT Server and my own Win95 PC, running the FTP server on my own machine. I experienced problems with the control channel. Cute-FTP sometimes failed to receive the directory listing after uploading the lage file. I made some changes in the FTP engine in the server, without resolving the problem. I was also able to reproduce the problem with other FTP clients. When I ran the same test under NT, there was no problems at all. I suspect this error to be in the Win95 Winsock .dll *or* in the C++ liberaries I use. If there are bugs in the libraries I will probarbly have to write my own low-level network lib... ADDED: Toolbar Note: I have not been able to get the tooltip feature to work yet. CHANGE: The user list will now show "idle", "Upload" and "Download". CHANGE: The server now looks for a ".message.ftp.txt" in it's startup directory if the file not can be found in the usres current directory. This gives the option of a standard directory change message for all dirs that don't have their own message. ------------------------------ V. 0.9a ALPHA April 22. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED: Reverse DNS lookup. (Has not been able to test it.) ADDED: User Up/Download statistics. (10 on top) ADDED: Bug report form in the help menu. Please use this when reporting bugs. It provides info that speeds up the work of tracing the problems. CHANGE: The user database is flushed to disk every 10 minutes. TEST: I received a report that the password given when a user is created did not work. I was able to reproduce the problem, but when I started to trace it, the problem went away. I have not been able to reproduce it with 0.9a. Please keep an eye on this feature. TEST: I received a report that the server would require 2 uploaded files when the Up/Download limits was set to 1 : 2 *bytes*. I was not able to reproduce the problem in version 0.9a TEST: I got a report that the server would crash if scandisk was started when it was running. I ran scandisk with no problems with the file system idle. BUGFIX: The "alias" name in the File Security tab was not always updated after a change. Fixed. BUGFIX: In version 0.6a, when the design of the file system changed, a new bug was introduced. It was not possible to CD to a mapped dir if the root dir was a drive i.e. C:\ The CD would only work if the home dir was somewhere down in a sub-directory. Another related problem was that when the system was using DOS mode in dir listings/paths, it was not possible to "CD \" and get to the root dir. [The path parsing functions, supporting DOS/UNIX style paths + OLE .lnk files + mappings are now among the most advanced and complex parts of the server] Fixed. BUGFIX: When the spy dialog was closed with the [x] button, or by pressing the [ESC] key, it was not possible to spy on that user again. Same behavior is reported when closing a minimized soy window. Fixed. BUGFIX: Traced down a memory leak that would allocate 8 KB memory for each connection, and never release the memory. There can still be memory leaks, but all I have found in the current version is an unidentified 25 bytes buffer that remains allocated from the server starts till it is shut down. ALPHA TESTERS: Please keep an eye on your system and report if the system runs slower after a day or two without stopping the server. BUGFIX: The server did not handle write error's on incoming files very well. It will now abort the file transfer. Log files will not be written if disk errors occur. The user database will be corrupted if the disk where it remains gets full. It is not possible to update the user database in this situation, and the situation will not be discovered before the error occurs. Therefore: Make sure to start the server from a disk partition that will not run full. Let the users fill up other partitions or drives. ------------------------------ V. 0.8a ALPHA April 17. 1996 ------------------------------ UPDATE: The dll's are updated to MSVC 4.1. If you are experiencing problems with your existing dll's, get the dll .zip file. BUGFIX: If max simultaneous users was specified on a user/group/class, the user could not log in at all. Fixed. BUGFIX: Passwords added when the user was created was not stored. Fixed. BUGFIX: If a user logged in right after he was created, but before the internal tables were synchronized (happens when you press the [OK] button in the security dialog), the system would chrash. Fixed. ------------------------------ V. 0.7a ALPHA April 16. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED: (Win95) Icon in system tray. If the window is minimized, ESC pressed or the close [X] button pressed, the server will hide itself and only be available by clicking on the icon in the system tray. The only way to stop the server is to use the menu and choose Exit. ADDED: Option in file system setup to disable the .Index.txt file. BUGFIX: When the system was offline and vfsys enabled, it would crash if the OK button in the file system options was pressed. Fixed. ------------------------------ V. 0.6a ALPHA April 14. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED: Temporary hook to support "mget *" command. NOTE: Regular pattern matching is still not supported, only "*" can be used (ie. not *.txt etc..). ADDED: SITE MSG The message will show up on the main console. ADDED: Menu bar on the main console. CHANGE: Design change in user/group dialogs and internal design. This includes a mass-implementation of new features. NOTE: The file format has changed and the system can no longer read or understand the database files of previous versions. The .ini file is compatible with previous versions. CHANGE: System database is now encrypted. CHANGE: Virtual files (LIST, ".Index.txt") are now listed in the log under the DEBUG flag (and will only show up if the logging if DEBUG messages are enabled). CHANGE: Filesize are added to the logs notification of successfull transfer. CHANGE: Main console is now resizable. BUGFIX: All reported bugs are supposed to be fixed. ------------------------------ V. 0.5a ALPHA April 4. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED: Extended access control. Now a user can be denied/allowed access on system wide, user class, user group and user level. The access control module checks the access in this order: 1) Is the userclass anonymous, and anonymous access denied? 2) Is the userclass not root, and general access denied? 3) Is there user-level access permissions? 4) Is there group-level access permissions? 5) Is there userclass-level access permissions? 6) Is there permissions at all? If there is defined access or not access, the processing stops and the user is given access or denied. If the state is undetermined (grayed check box), the next test is performed. 1 - 2 are defined with the checkbuttons on the system console 3 is a new button in the user dialog 4 is a new button in the group dialog 5 - 6 are new buttons in the system options dialog. There is also a simple report available, listing the users and their permissions. NOTE: Anonymous users can now be denied access from the system options dialog, and from the system console. If they are denied access from the system options dialog, users with userclass anonymous can still log in if they are given explicit access in the user or group dialogs. But if the button on the main console is pressed, they are denied access no matter what the user or group settings says. ADDED: OLE support for Win95 .lnk files. The .lnk files will show up as mapped directories. NOTE1: The user must have permission to the directory in order to access the link. But the directory does not need to be mapped to the users homedir. The .lnk support is intended to make it easier for the user to navigate in the system, not to make an easy way to surpass security. NOTE2: I have successfully downloaded files that was linked with this method. However, Cute-ftp and WS_FTP has a bug in their parsing of the directory listings that make them treat any links as directories, and (as far as I can see) has no direct method to download links that points directly to files. To fix this problem I list links to regular files as normal files, without the 'l' flag set. When such files are downloaded the server reports the correct name, but the FTP clients will use the filename.lnk name. The files will have to be manually renamed by the user after download. ***The user will still need to have permissions to the directory where the actual file is located. CHANGE: Changed internal system time functions from GMT to local time zone. CHANGE: Removed security restriction that denied creation of directories at the root level. (MKD C:\NEWDIR) CHANGE: The tab order of the system console and the Msg User dialog are changed. CHANGE: Help is made the default button on the system console. BUGFIX: The server would crash if a user logged in and the group he belonged to not was found. Fixed. BUGFIX: The path parser will now detect (and skip) /./ in the path. BUGFIX: The .message.ftp.txt files was not closed after use. Fixed. ------------------------------ V. 0.4a ALPHA April 3. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED: Users IP address to spy dialog. ADDED: Textfile to display as welcome message when changing directory. The filename can be modified in the system setup dialog. Default filename is ".message.ftp.txt" The message file have support for macros Tested with Cute-ftp, MS Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. ADDED: Full support for mapping of dirs. to home. The path will now show the path from the homedir if the user is in any path mapped to the homedir. If i.e. D:\ is mapped to C:\FTP, you can say "CD /C/FTP/D/BIN" and come to the D:\BIN directory. The server will report "/C/FTP/D/BIN" as the current directory (or "/D/BIN") if home is mapped to root. ADDED: PASV command implemented. ADDED: UNIX style link output on "ls -l" on mapped dirs. ADDED: "System type" option in system setup, UNIX or Real. This applies to the SYST command. If "Real" is checked the system will report the actual operating system (WIN32 + WN95 or NT). If "UNIX" is checked, it will report "UNIX Type: L8" (I have no idea about what L8 stands for, but it appears that Netscape Navigator wont accept the "ls -l" LIST format without this response). ADDED: "SIZE path" nonstandard FTP command implemented. ADDED: Support for BINARY LIST transfer. (If UNIX file system, only newline are sent as end-of-line marker). CHANGE: The scrolling of the log window is changed. If the first line is selected the first line will always be displayed on top. If another line is selected then that selection will remain active, and new messages will not be visible before the window is scrolled up manually. CHANGE: The program will now terminate at once when the EXIT button is pressed. In previous versions the EXIT button set a flag that was polled once a second (when the log window is updated). In some rare cases the timer would not start, and the program would not respond to the EXIT button at all. This is now fixed. CHANGE: The output from the LIST command is now comforming 100% with UNIX standard (as far as there *is* such a thing...). CHK: I got a report that permissions on the home dir. did not applied for the homedir. I am not able to reproduce the problem. (Unless if I change the map parameter when the user is online. The server does not handle that. If this happens, the user must issue a "CD /" command to reset the FTP client's and the servers recognition of the current working directory.) CHK: I got a report that uploaded files not was shown in the Spy xmit history dialog. I am not able to reproduce the problem. FIX: Goodbye message was not sent. Fixed. BUGFIX: When using WS_FTP the server would sometimes show a wrong ".Index.txt" file. The "problem" was that WS_FTP are optimizing speed by caching directory information. The server was optimizing speed by not reading the directory info into memory before the user issued a LIST command. What happened was that the server kept a cache of the last directory read, containing the information used to build the ".Index.txt" file, but sometimes for the wrong dir. The servers cache is now trashed when the user issues a CWD command. It will reload the directory info if the user want the ".Index.txt" file, even if no LIST command is given. Note: The ".Index.txt" file is created in memory, based on the cached directory information. The file length reported by LIST is just an estimate. The server will *only* load the ".Index.txt" for the current directory. If a path is given, it will try to open a real file named ".Index.txt". BUGFIX: If a file with an attached comment were deleted, it would result in a page protection fault. Fixed. BUGFIX: The server asked for password for users without password. Fixed. BUGFIX: If a user had a name that was not the same as any group, the program would get a page protection fault. Fixed. BUGFIX: User-Group dialog: It was not possible to add a new path when it was part of an already defined path i.e. Could not add "D:\" if "D:\tmp" was defined. Fixed. BUGFIX: A rare condition in the optional dir. combo-box (invalid selection) would lead to a page protection fault. Fixed. BUGFIX: Virtual File system: (LIST) Number of dirs was not updated when only drives was shown (PWD=\ --> show dives in stead of dirs/files). Fixed. BUGFIX: Serious problem with "CD /path/dir./../anotherdir". The path-parser did not recognize the "/../" sequence, leaving the "anotherdir" open for access with no access control. Fixed. BUGFIX: Sometimes the path was still shown as "/c/" Fixed. BUGFIX: "CD .." did not work very well if the current directory was "C:\" Fixed. BUGFIX: The server would not work with MS Internet Explorer and Netscape Navigator. Fixed. BUGFIX: The logfiles was not flushed at shutdown. Fixed. BUGFIX: Trying to delete an un-empty directory caused a page protection fault. Fixed. BUGFIX: Creating an existent directory (MKD) caused a page protection fault. Fixed ------------------------------ V. 0.3a ALPHA March 31. 1996 ------------------------------ ADDED: Spy: History of file xmits for the current connection ADDED: Spy: User-account and connection-only file counters ADDED: Macros for number of users online, max users online, number of anonymous users online and max anonumous users online. FIX: "Locate cursor in first text filed in input dialogs" Fixed. FIX: "Blank user name should not be allowed" Blank user and groupnames, and user and group names with white space are now denied. FIX: Macroes that displays current up/download counter will now show session counters for session only for users with session only up/download class. FIX: Deny access to directories with no permissions checked If you want to deny access to a directory in the users homepath (or one of the optional paths), you add the directory you want to close as an optional path and turn off all file/dir. permissions. FIX: Small icon used MFC instead of tFTPd style icon. Fixed. FIX: Cute FTP and "resolve links" is not working. The problem was that Cute-ftp sent a LIST -L command, that is undocumented in the FTP specs. I have added a hook to just ignore this parameter for now, and it seems that Cute-ftp is quite happy with the standard UNIX "ls -l" it gets back... BUGFIX: recognize CD "d:" and CD "d:\" as the same thing BUGFIX: Unix style /c/ as current dir. is nonstandard and ugly fixed. Will now display /c BUGFIX: Unix style CD /c/usr don't work fixed. ------------------------------ V. 0.2a ALPHA March 30. 1996 ------------------------------ BUGFIX: "MKDIR reports 501 permission denied" This was not a bug, but rather a logical error. RMDIR was probithed when the user did not have access to subdir (Apply for subdirs checkbox). The dialog will now disable the Rmdir and Mkdir checkboxes when the Apply for subdirs checkbox is unchecked. BUGFIX: "Mapped drive did not show up in homedir" Unable to reproduce this error. If it is a problem somewhere, I guess it will be fixed when I complete the implementation of mapped directories (scheduled to the next release). BUGFIX: "NT, problem with zombie server" Fixed. BUGFIX: "Win95, problem with displayed IP number when the PC is off-line." Fixed. Added RFC 1123 support FTP allows "experimental" commands, whose names begin with "X". If these commands are subsequently adopted as standards, there may still be existing implementations using the "X" form. At present, this is true for the directory commands: RFC-959 "Experimental" * MKD XMKD * RMD XRMD * PWD XPWD * CDUP XCUP * CWD XCWD All FTP implementations SHOULD recognize both forms of these commands, by simply equating them with extra entries in the command lookup table. ------------------------------ V. 0.1a ALPHA March 29. 1996 ------------------------------ Virtual file system is not fully implemented. It will start and run, but the server will not use it for any user services. Only the "comment on file" benefit of the virtual file system is supported.